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Industry-specific expertise. 

Clients benefit from the extensive know-how, including beyond the purely legal aspects, which we have acquired through our past experience, in particular in the following branches of industry. Our clients benefit from this broad expertise in every consultation.

Ever since the liberalization of the Austrian energy market began back in 1997/98 we have been involved as legal advisers in a number of developments relating to both the electricity and the natural gas market (grid and storage). Our experience includes representation in proceedings before the authorities (e.g. regarding the determination of system usage rates and the licensing of gas grid and gas storage operators), advice on competition law aspects of gas supply agreements (including representation in legal disputes), and representation in merger control proceedings.

We have extensive experience as legal advisers to newspaper, magazine and book publishing houses, TV and broadcasting corporations, and companies in the music industry, in particular in connection with MA transactions and proceedings before regulators and competition authorities. n the field of telecommunications, the numerous transactions and proceedings before the authorities in which we have acted as legal advisers in the past have furnished us with comprehensive specialist knowledge and expertise.

We advise investors in connection with the acquisition and sale as well as the financing of real estate properties, in particular in transactions involving the acquisition of businesses.

Our clients benefit from our profound expertise in waste management law, based on many years of experience in advising clients on issues in connection with the packaging regulation and on competition law issues in connection with the liberalization of the market for packaging waste collection and disposal.

Our expertise in advising banks and other financial institutions as well as service providers in the financial industry includes the acquisition of companies (including merger control), counseling on specific aspects relating to payment transactions (e.g. industry-wide back office cooperations), and representation in cartel proceedings.

In the past we have advised and represented pharmaceutical companies e.g. in connection with regulatory aspects (price determination procedures) and competition law proceedings (including merger control).

We are familiar with the legal issues relevant for food manufacturers and importers, e.g. in connection with distribution (including specific competition law aspects) and the recovery and disposal of packaging.

Having acted as legal advisers to clients from many different branches of industry – including the basic industry as well as the capital goods and the consumer goods industry – we have acquired comprehensive knowledge about these branches of industry, and extensive experience in dealing with legal issues typically of relevance for these businesses.

The retail trade is currently undergoing massive changes (e.g. as a result of the fast growing online segment), and traditional suppliers are faced with numerous challenges. Thanks to our experience in dealing with relevant legal issues (in both the food and non-food segments, e.g. electronic goods, sports equipment) we are in an excellent position to provide legal services for all kinds of retail businesses to support them in dealing with these new challenges.

Our many years of experience in advising transport companies (in particular from the railroad and air traffic sectors) and carriers have furnished us with a comprehensive insight into the legal aspects relevant for the industry.

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